We love vintage slides. We’re always picking them up at markets and can be entertained for hours investigating their contents. There is just something so enticing about looking at mysterious photos from years gone by. That’s why we love the idea of rainbow slide curtains. By connecting vintage 35mm slides together, these snapshots into a previous world are preserved as functional art in the form of dramatic window treatments.

rainbow slide curtains

These rainbow slide curtains were shared with us by their creator Scott Sherwood. The curtains contain 1,152 slides and measure 5 feet 7 inches tall and 6 feet wide! As you can see, the slide curtains are arranged in a rainbow pattern. Scott meticulously sorted and arranged the slides according to the sequence of ROYGBIV. He then housed the slides in white plastic mounts. The slides were then connected together with 8 metal rings, contributing to a chain mail look. The entire process took Scott 4 months to complete.

rainbow slide curtains

We love the overall effect of these curtains and their stylish functionality. Scott says that at night the curtains work well for privacy as they illuminate from the interior lights. We can imagine the effect is also quite stunning from the inside during the day, with the sun creating rainbow reflections of light.

This would be a great upcycling project if you are lucky enough to come across a large volume of slides. If you love these rainbow slide curtains but don’t have the time or necessary materials, be sure to check out Scott Sherman’s Etsy page, LostEtsy.

10 Thoughts on Rainbow Slide Curtains

  1. I have been planning a similar project but have not yet determined a good way to connect the slides in a flexible way. The best I’ve thought of so far is using standard page-sized sheets, and connected them rather than the slides themselves.
    Also want to make some lampshades using slides.
    I’ve got a boatload of slides!

  3. Anyone want old slides? I have a ton and hate to throw them away. I have all I need for projects and have hundreds to spare (maybe thousands?)

    • hi i would happily take the slides off your hands

    • If you still have any to donate I would gladly take them off your hands. The slide curtains that your looking at are mine . I have since been asked to make a bunch more for a gallery show and need all the slides I can get.

  4. wow, lots of work but great

  5. mindblowing…

  6. Can you share a link for White Mounts…I can’t see what you mean by solely looking at the pic. Thank you 🙂

  7. What size of jump ring did you use?


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